05 March 2012

Year One, and Two Years

How come I'm always taking the pictures?
It's been a year since I started this blog. I had thought I might review the year, but just now it seems more  important to record the way Lily, two years old, is talking, because it is changing so fast. And there is a certain symmetry as the very first post on this blog was a record of a conversation.

A few weeks ago Lily sat down with perennial favourite 'That's Not My Puppy' and 'read' it like this:

Not is me puppy
Not is me puppy
Not is me puppy
Not is me puppy
IS me puppy!

But already she is saying 'my' instead of 'me' and even using 'I' correctly. 

She substitutes 'L' for 'S' and 'Y' at the beginning of a word so we have:





In the car the big girls sang 'Bob the builder can you fix it?' and Lily piped up 'NO LOU CAN'T' followed by a maniacal giggle.

This morning she announced, apropos of nothing, "I love lanner cows".  After some time we figured it out - she loves Santa Claus.

So the blog. Yeah, one year. I've enjoyed it.  If you've stopped by here from time to time, thank you.  If you've commented, know that you undoubtedly made my day.  Eleanor once said that she felt part of her role as a mother was as a witness to, or perhaps an audience for,  her children's lives.  This seems very wise to me and seems to also explain part of why I blog - to bear witness to a little fragment of our life, especially the everyday creative, crafty and observing part of that life that otherwise may not get recorded. They are small things but, you know, as the blog title suggests, small matters.


  1. Julie - I love reading your blog. It's these little things we each need to remember but it's also lovely to be reminded by reading about yours! I am missing our Friday afternoons but enjoying my freedom as a mum of "school age children"...best wishes Fleur

    1. Hey Fleur, thanks for stopping by. Having all the kids at school must have many advantages, not least more time to put into your own work. I am partly looking forward to it and partly dreading it. Hope all is well with you, Fridays are not the same without a cuppa round at Nats.
